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About Meadow Farmers

About Meadow Farmers

Great Farming Deserves great recognition and great support.


Our mission is to make sustainable ingredients easy for our customers. To do that, we need to make sustainable production easy for you. That’s why we’re focused on understanding all the challenges you face on your farm every day.

We understand what it means to be a dairy farmer and we’re here to help. Our farm liaison team has a wealth of experience in dairy farming, and they’re on hand seven days a week with all the support and advice you need.

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Our business, one of the UK’s leading dairy suppliers, relies on our dairy farms to produce the 450 million litres of milk needed by some of the world’s most loved food brands. 

The contributions our farmers make are invaluable, which is why the close partnerships and strong relationships we develop together are so important to us.

Explore Our Farms right arrow


When you join Meadow as one of our farmers, we make a number of commitments to you. These commitments recognise the significance of your hard work, showing you just how much we value our farmers.

We promise to guarantee your financial security with consistent, agreed payment terms, regular, reliable payment dates and a pricing schedule that’s always transparent. And we go further, passing on commercial benefits and expert insight to support you in every way we can.

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